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25, Problems of the Present World

25, Problems of the Present World

a) social
b) ecological

1, discrimination – because of race, gender and religion
2, illiteracy – especially in Africa and in developing countries
3, hunger - especially in Africa and in developing countries
4, human rights – e.g. islamic countries – problems with women´s rights
5, diseases – AIDS, TB, cancer...
6, drugs – which threaten especially young people
7, international terorism – acts are realized by people who believe that they defend their
religion (September 2001 – WTC)

☺ are connected with high level of technology – air pollution, water pllution
1, natural disasters – huricans, tornados, floods (it´s caused be weather changes), earthquake
2, global warmin – becames huge problem
3, ozon layer
4, greenhouse effect
5, rain forests

Účelové věty s nestejným podmětem

spojky: so that, in order that

1, hlavní věta v přítomném čase – can, may
I´m telling you it now so that you can think it over.
2, hlavní věta v minulém čase – could, might
He came to help us so that we could finish it in time.
3, záporné větě v minulosti – should
They came soon so that we shouldn´t wait.

24, English speaking countries

24, English speaking countries

The term is used for countries where the majority of the population speaks English as their mother tongue – the U.K., the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and New Zeland.
Besides there are large areas where English is spoken as the second language – e.g. India, Pakistan, the republic of South Africa and other African countries – generally said English is spoken in the Commonwealth countries.
British Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association (dobrovolná asociace) of Great Britain and 47 former (bývalých) British colonies. In the 17 of them the Queen Elisabeth II. is the head of the state.
There are 5 types of English: Britain, Amrican, Australian, Indian and African.
It´s the most widespread (rozšířený) language in the world.
It´s used in politics, economics, diplomacy, business, science and technology, culture and sports.

+ povídání o jednotlivých zemích

Zvolací a přací věty

1, zvolací: What a nice day !
How beatiful !
2, přací: in olny, i wish = „kéž“

☺ posun času: I wish he would come. – Kéž přijde. (budoucnost je vyjádřena podmiňovacím způsobem)
☺ I wish you were here. – Kéž tu teď jsi. (přítomnost je vyjádřena minulým časem)
☺ I wish he hadn´t told that. – Kéž to neřekl. (minulost je vyjádřena předminulým časem)

23, Australia and New Zeland

23, Australia and New Zeland


Is located in the southern hemisphere between the Pacific and the Indian oceans.
The official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.
Is consists of 6 states (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania) and 2 territories.
The capital city – Camberra (but the largest city is Sydney).
The area is about 8 million square km and the population is about 16 million.
It´s the British dominion (the former colony) – the official head of the state is Queen Elisabeth II. respresented by the Govermor-General (She has no real political influence, and her position is essentially symbolic).
There are many exotic animals – cangaroo, emu, coala bear, dingo....
Is the one of the top exports of lamb and beef, wheat, wine and fruit.
Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.


Consists of 2 large islands.
The area is about 270.000 square km.
The population is about 3,5 million people.
The capital city is Wellington.
The official head of the state is Queen Elisabeth II. respresented by the Govermor-General.
There is beatiful nature e.g. – Lord of the Rings was shot there.
Unofficial national sport is rugby.

Vazba „have (get) something done“

= dát (nechat) si něco udělat
☺ velmi důležitý je slovosled: předmět – have (v přítomném tvaru) – předmět – trpné příčestí významového slovesa
☺ např.: I have my coat cleaned. Dávám si vyčistit kabát.
☺ POZOR ! když slovosled zaměníme – I have cleaned my coat. (předpřítomný čas) – Právě jsem si vyčistil kabát.

Slovesa změny stavu

☺ get, become
☺ He´s getting old. – Stárne. (pozvolná změna)
☺ He became angry. – Rozzlobil se. (náhlá změna)

22, Canada

22, Canada

The second largest country in the world (after Russia)
Consist of 10 provincies (Quebec – the largest, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia) and 2 territories (the Yukon terrtory and the Northwest territory).
The capital city is Ottawa.
The area is about 10 million square km and the population is about 30 million.
Two official language – English and French.
A member of the British Commonwealth of Nations and the official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II. represented by the Governon-General.
Borders with the U.S.A (in the south) and the Arctic Ocean (in the north) - the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
A very beautiful nature and landscape – many lakes (Great Lakes Region) and forests (cover 44% of land area).
There is the Niagara Falls – on the border with U.S.A.
It´s economy is based on natural resources (coal, gas, oil, silver, gold...) and agriculture – the 2 nd largest exporter of wheat.
Canada´s main trading partner is the U.S.A.
It´s often called „cradle of ice-hoceky“.
Canada´s symbol is maple loaf (javorový list).
Royal anthem: "God Save the Queen"

Přípustkové věty

☺ vedlejší věty, které jsou uvozeny spojkami
spojky: although (ačkoli)
though (třebaže)
even though (přestože)
even if (i když)
in spite of the fact (ať, než, navzdory faktu)
☺ např.: Although it was raining we went out = Ačkoli přšelo, šli jsme ven.
☺ lze použít i vazbu „no matter + zájmeno či příslovce“
☺ např.: No matter what he says we will go there = Ať říká cokoliv, my tam stejně půjdeme.
☺ nebo složenina s „ever“ – Whatever he says we will go there. = Ať říká cokoliv, my tam stejně půjdeme.

21, Ernest Hemingway

21, Ernest Hemingway

He was bron i 1898 in Chicago as the son of a physician.
He was member og so called „Lost Generation“ (here were also: Francis S. Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, John Dos Passos and they were deeply affected by the horrors of the war).
During World War II. he worked as a war reporter.
During his last years he suffered from strong depression which lead to his suicide (he shot himself to death).

He started his career with short stories – „In our days“ (written in Paris).
He was a great lover of travelling, hunting and fishing „Green Hills of Africa“,
„The death in the afternoon“
A world famous novel is „Farewell to Arms“ – an epic description of World War I. and a protest againts any war
„For whom the bell tolls“ – a psychological picture of war
„To have or not to have“ – a desription of the impact of great economic crisis
The most famous – „The old man and the sea“ – a great poem about the sea and about eternal fight between nature and man. Aworded Nobel Prize in 1954

Participles and Gerund

PARTICIPLE (příčestí)

a) přítomné: -ing, vyjadřuje současné děje. Going home I met my friend.
b) minulé: -ed (asked) nebo 2.tvar (bought)
c) trpné: having + ed nebo 2.tvar, vyjadřuje děj, který předchází ději věty hlavní.
Having finished my work I went home.


☺ má slovesné (čas, rod) i jmenné (může být určeno přivlastňovacím zájmenem) rysy.
☺ jmenný rys: They Insisted on my staying there. (Trvali na tom, abych tady zůstal.) VV
☺ Learning English is importatnt.
1, překlad podstatným jménem slovesným: Učení AJ je důležité.
2, překlad infinitivem: Je důležité učit se AJ.